- Sagarra, N., Fernández‐Arroyo, L., Lozano‐Argüelles, C., & Casillas, J. V. (2024). Unraveling the complexities of second language lexical stress processing: The impact of first language transfer, second language proficiency, and exposure. Language Learning. Link
- Lozano-Argüelles, C., Sagarra, N., & Casillas, J.V. (2023). Interpreting experience and working memory effects on L1 and L2 morphological prediction. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 1. Link
- Lozano-Argüelles, C., & Sagarra, N. (2021). Interpreting experience enhances the use of lexical stress and syllabic structure to predict L2 word endings. Applied Psycholinguistics. Link
- Lozano-Argüelles, C., Fernández Arroyo, L., Rodríguez, N., Durand López, E., Garrido Pozú, J., Markovits, J., . . . Casillas, J. (2021). CONCEPTUALLY CUED PERCEPTUAL CATEGORIZATION IN ADULT L2 LEARNERS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43(1), 204-219. doi:10.1017/S0272263120000273
- Lozano-Argüelles, C., Sagarra, N., & Casillas, J.V. (2020). Slowly but surely: Interpreting facilitates L2 morphological anticipation based on suprasegmental and segmental information. Special issue “Interpreting: A Window to Bilingual Processing” (Eds. Yanping Dong and Ping Li). Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
- 2023-2026
- 2022-2026 Language Resource Center – CILC (Center for Integrated Learning
Communities), U.S. Department of Education. (Consultant and Advisory Board Member. P.I. Alberta Gatti,
CUNY - Graduate Center) ($630,000) Website
Lozano-Argüelles, C. Who studies translation in the US? Adapting translation competence models to heritage speakers*. National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language*. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Link to presentation
Lozano-Argüelles, C., & Sagarra, N. Eye-movements reveal interpreters’ superior use of prediction during second language processing*. American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association*. University of California – Santa Barbara, California.
Lozano-Argüelles, C., & Sagarra, N. L2 morphological processing is cognitively taxing: evidence from interpreters. International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children. UIT The Artic University of Norway, Norway. [August 4th]